An emergency occurs, you might face a sudden change in your circumstances, you require hospitalisation, or your carer is temporarily unable to look after you. When it happens, it is particularly important to have access to safe accommodation where you receive the care you need. At Adiba Care we offer STA (short term) and MTA (medium term) accommodation for participants who need it and when they need it.
What is short term accommodation?
If your NDIS plan includes funding for assistance with daily Life, we are here to help.
Short term accommodation, including respite, is a core NDIS funding support. It provides support and accommodation for a brief time away from your home. It covers the cost of your care in another place for up to 14 days at a time. You might stay with other people, or by yourself.
Find out more about the STA eligibility on the NDIS website.
Who is STA for?
This funding can be used for respite to support you and your carers, and it may suit your needs if your usual support network is not available for a brief period.
What is medium term accommodation?
NDIS funds medium term accommodation if you need somewhere to live, and if you cannot move into your long-term home because your disability supports are not ready.
It is important to know that medium term accommodation is not a standalone support. NDIS include it in your plan as part of your other home and living disability support needs. It is usually funded for up to 90 days.
Who is MTA for?
MTA is for you if you need medium term accommodation while you wait for your home modifications to be completed. Or you have already secured a long-term home, such as specialist disability accommodation (SDA), but you are waiting for another person to move out before you can move in.
What type of STA & MTA can Adiba Care provide?
At Adiba Care we offer both STA and MTA for people with disabilities in Western Sydney. Our clients often say that it is an immense help as they can stay connected to the community rather than face a lengthy hospital stay.