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Why and when do you need support coordination?

The NDIS is complex, and it can get very overwhelming to understand all details about eligibility, application, the different funding options, what is best for you, yet alone coordinating the different supports. At Adiba Care we offer support coordination in Western Sydney .

Support coordination is a capacity building support which means it is designed to help you to make the best use of your supports in plan. Our Western Sydney based Support coordinators provide important assistance to individuals wishing to maximise the effectiveness of their supports in plan. When situations are more complex, you may require specialist support coordination, which involves a higher level of implementation and problem-solving. This specialised support can help ensure your needs are met and properly managed.

How can our support coordinators help you?

They can:

  • identify your needs based on your goals
  • help you with your application if you are a new participant (Access Request Form)
  • consult with service providers on your behalf
  • keep track of your plan ensuring that your NDIS funds are used as effectively as possible
  • speak with you regularly to make sure you are reaching your goals
  • provide progress reports, and prepare you for your review meeting
  • provide specialist support

Our staff at Adiba Care speaks multiple languages, and as they all come from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, they understand what people go through.

We are a registered NDIS Provider, a family run business, offering a variety of disability services to participants in Western Sydney. Talk to us about your NDIS plan and the supports you need; we would like to hear from you.

Adiba Care is a registered NDIS provider in Western Sydney. If you are looking for a reliable and professional provider with a kind and caring team, give us a call, we would like to support you.

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